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Efficient Artifact Farming Strategies for Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact

This guide provides essential tips and strategies for efficiently farming artifacts for Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact, focusing on domain selection, team composition, resource management, and artifact evaluation.


Maximizing Efficiency in Artifact Farming for Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact

As a seasoned Genshin Impact blogger from the USA, I have gathered various tips and strategies to maximize efficiency in farming artifacts for Raiden Shogun. This character, known for her high damage output and unique abilities, requires a specific approach to artifact farming to fully unlock her potential.

Understanding Artifact Domains: First and foremost, identify which domains drop the artifacts best suited for Raiden Shogun. For her, domains that drop the Emblem of Severed Fate set should be your primary target. This set enhances her Energy Recharge and Elemental Burst damage, crucial for her overall performance.

Optimal Team Composition for Farming: Assemble a team that can quickly clear these domains. Since Raiden Shogun excels in Electro-based teams, consider pairing her with characters that can trigger Electro-related reactions efficiently. This setup not only speeds up the farming process but also gives you practical experience with different team synergies.

  • Utilize characters with crowd control abilities to handle large groups of enemies effectively.
  • Include a healer to sustain your team's health throughout multiple domain runs.

Resource Management: Be mindful of your Resin usage. Since farming artifacts is a resin-intensive activity, plan your farming sessions around your Resin refills and consider using Fragile Resin strategically to get more domain runs.

Artifact Evaluation: After each domain run, evaluate the artifacts immediately. Look for pieces with desirable main stats, such as Electro DMG Bonus for the Goblet and ATK% or CRIT stats for the Circlet. Substats should ideally include CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%, and Energy Recharge. This quick evaluation helps in managing your inventory effectively and discarding less useful artifacts.

Artifact Upgrading Strategy: Prioritize upgrading artifacts with the most potential first. It's generally recommended to level artifacts to 4 or 8 initially to check if the substat upgrades are beneficial. This approach minimizes wastage of precious upgrade materials.

Co-Op Play Benefits: Consider engaging in co-op play. Farming in a group can make domain runs faster and more enjoyable. Additionally, playing with others may provide insights into alternative strategies or team compositions you hadn’t considered before.

Patience is Key: Lastly, remember that artifact farming can be a grind. Be patient and persistent. The right artifact set with optimal stats can significantly boost Raiden Shogun's performance, but it may take time to acquire these ideal pieces.

In conclusion, efficient artifact farming for Raiden Shogun involves understanding the right domains, forming effective teams, managing resources wisely, evaluating artifacts smartly, and being patient. By following these strategies, you can enhance Raiden Shogun's capabilities and enjoy her full potential in your Genshin Impact adventures.


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